
Monday, February 7, 2011

Bridger is allergic to me!

Bridger has come down with a case of the sniffles. Something he likes to get as much leverage out of as he can. Yesterday, we where getting ready for church. He would be laughing and playing with the girls and then I would walk into the room and he would instantly start groaning and whining about how sick he was. Finally, Levi made the observation that Bridger must be allergic to me, as that is the only time he feels unwell (when he is near me!) We convinced him to go to Sacrament by telling him, if he was still "miserable" that we would take him home after that. He of course was too "sick" with his occasional runny nose to go to all three hours of church--so Levi brought him home. He had to lay in bed (as is our rule with Bridger staying home sick) By early evening he was sick of being sick and informed all of us that he was "all better now and could he please play a computer game?" I asked him if he was going to be sick tomorrow morning when it was time for school. He thought about it and replied, "probably!"