
Thursday, July 21, 2011

What I want to be when I grow up...

I was talking to the kids about what they want to be when they grew up. Bridger confidently stated that he was going to be a marine biologist and have a pet shark. (Will I ever cease to worry about that kid?) Bailey informed us that she wanted to be a rock star. (another worrisome career path! ) Kes had been quiet pondering while we talked, I finally asked her what she wanted to be. I thought she would say a "momma." Boy, was I wrong! She spoke up. When I grow up I want to be a girl monkey! Does she realize they eat their own poop?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My other mom...

I have heard of kids having imaginary friends, but Kes took it one step further--she invented an imaginary new family for herself. I don't know how I feel about this. Plus she keeps throwing it in my face. Her "other mom" as she refers to her, is named Izzy Pirateshirt. Her other dad is Caw Pirateshirt. I have to give her kudos for originality in naming them! Here is an example of her use of her fake family.
Kes says "Mom, can I have a cookie?"
I reply, "No, we are having dinner in ten minutes."
Kes exclaims, "Well, my other mom, Izzy says I can have a cookie!"

You get the idea. It is rather disconcerting. I feel like the "mean mom" but then I have to remind myself--the other mom does not exist!