
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

a little diahrea!

Kes comes downstairs holding a pink diary and a pen.
"Mom....I really need to write in my diahrea!"
Yikes! Could be messy! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween pictures!

So I am a couple weeks late on this...better late then never!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bailey gets glasses

So we went for eye-check ups about a month ago. I get bad-mother-of -the-year award because I had never taken my kids before and discovered Bailey was severely near sighted! Consequently she got glasses! She picked them out herself, because my eyes had been dilated so I couldn't see anything small! I think she looks pretty cute though!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

back to school!

Bridger and Bailey's first day

Kes's first day

The flower's one of my student's brought me!

My preschool room!

My attempts at being an artist..Kids did flowers and butterflies

my magnet board!

So we have all officially started back to school.  Bridger and Bailey at the end of August (and they have fabulous teachers and are loving it!) and Kes and I a week ago.  That's right...I am back in school. This time as the teacher! I teach Kes and seven other cute little 3 and 4 year olds preschool 3 days a week.  It is going so well! I can't believe how smoothly the first week went! Of course,  the honeymoon period might not be over yet...but I can honestly say I am loving it! Kes is too!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Back on the Blog!

So it has been months since I have blogged! But I am turning over a new leaf...weekly updates! My resolve should last for a few weeks at last. This weeks event...our camping trip.
What I love about camping...getting away from it all! No TV, no computer, no phones...just me and my family. We spent the day hiking, fishing, swimming, picking wild flowers, and just enjoying each other's company. The forecast had called for isolated thunderstorms--which we didn't mind. The over cast skies kept it cool and delightful. There was also a fire restriction so we couldn't build a camp fire but where able to cook on our camp stove. In the evening we had about four woodpeckers swooping into camp for our table scraps so the kids kept throwing out food to them. The entertained us for about an hour! We had a wonderful day and evening!
What I hate about about 9 o'clock at night it started pouring rain. It rained, and rained and rained.  To the point that our tent was no longer waterproof. All the kids where sound asleep. I was wide awake however because I had taken the cheap sleeping bag and was therefore freezing (we where above 10, ooo feet in altitude) Not only was water dripping on my forehead every 30 seconds, but I was literally holding my sleeping bag closed with one hand.  At about midnight, another car pulled up next to us...I watched there lights as they tried to set up camp in a downpour and then again an hour later as the packed up and drove home (At this point I was trying to figure out how we could do that same thing! Those smart wimps! ) Then came the wind! For those of you who don't know what Wyoming is like I can describe it for you in one word: windy! Our tent literally felt like it was going to lift off the ground with us in it. It was so loud and unnerving that I didn't fall asleep till it died down at about four in the morning! On the upside--I  didn't have to worry about wild creatures--because no animal (or human for that matter) would be stupid enough to venture out in that weather! Next time might just go for a day trip!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring is in the air...

Spring at our house is celebrated by the Birthday bash week...Bridger and Bailey within a week of each other! Bailey got to have her Grandma Stott here for her birthday who was here helping out after Levi's second surgery. Lucky girl! (Thanks mom!) Also, to celebrate spring we have some bunnies and chicks running around our house. Because it has been crazy around here with Levi's second surgery my good friend that makes cakes professionally did both of their cakes for their parties! Now we can settle down and enjoy this lovely 60 degree weather! Yeah!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Save the snot!

Kes has a cold. So every morning she wakes up with a crusty nose. I get a tissue and clean it out. This morning I must have been too rough--as she said,"Thats enough. That's enough! Save some boogers for tomorrow!"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Broken arm

So I made a New Year's Resolution to blog once a week...and I got on and realized I hadn't posted anything since Halloween (well that's embarrassing!) So I decided to start out the new year with a pretty exciting story.
Two days before Christmas Levi and I where going on an actual date (that's right, we even had hired a babysitter). Thirty minutes till date. I was scrambling to make kids dinner. When Kes came downstairs crying her eyes out. She had seen Bailey cleaning the mirrors in the downstairs bathroom and decided she wanted to do the upstairs one. She grabbed her windex and paper towels and climbed up on the bathroom counter. Unfortunately, she tripped on the sink, fell off the counter and landed on her arm. She cried for 25 minutes and then fell asleep. Long story short...I cancelled our date, and took Kes to the ER instead...where x rays revealed that she broke both bones in her forearm! Merry Christmas to us! :) The ER only splints broken bones and because of the holidays we had to wait five days to get the hard cast on. The ER doctor told me--just don't let her run or be too rambunctious till she gets her cast on. I was thinking (You obviously don't have kids--no four year old sits still!) Anyways, as you can see she choose pink and has been coordinating her shoes with it! :)