
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Reflections on turning another year older...

My birthday was yesterday and it was very nice. Thanks so much to all the well wishers and my family who made it a special day for me! I got lots of great stuff but my favorite was from my little six year old daughter who was so excited to give me a dandelion and a penny! Yes--I am blessed! It is okay to be another year older.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

discipline of the cat...

I overheard Bailey talking to our cat yesterday.
She said, "Look at me...look at my eyes! Now Mouse, I still love you, but you can not scratch me. That isn't okay. Please say your sorry. SAY YOUR SORRY!!!" Good luck getting that apology!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My identity crisis!

It seems an unwritten rule in my life that when ever I judge something or make an absolute in my mind--that thing happens to me. For example, my sister's son sometimes calls her by her first name. She doesn't mind at all. I thought in my head, "Oh I do not like that--my kids better always call me mom." So of course, Kes has begun calling me Riki. I think it is because Wally, the little boy I watch, calls me that as do all of the neighborhood kids and Levi (on occasion will call me that too). So what do I hear from my two year old daughter? "Riki, I'm talkin to you!" or "Riki, I''m thirsty!" I've tried several strategies for correction. I say, "I'm not Riki, I'm momma." to which she replies, "No. Riki." Aaahhh. I've tried ignoring her until she calls me mom. This usually just causes her to say my name at a much louder decimal. I think we are making progress though...she only calls me Riki about 50 percent of the time. She is so different from Bailey who when she was three was asked what her mom and dad's names where and told them "mom, and dad." I work hard to earn that special title mom (i.e. kissing booboohs, giving hugs, making meals, struggling through homework and science fair projects, doing copeous loads of laundry, playing barbies and GI Joe) and dang it they are going to call me that! I will take mom, mommy, momma, madre, mother, and even momma seta--but dang it not Riki. I feel quite strongly about this as you can see. Mother's day is coming up and all I want is for my two year old to call me mom!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter enthusists!

We had a lovely Easter! Conference watching, candy eating, egg hunting...all the things that make Easter wonderful. It obviously impressed Kes enough that she decided the toilet looked like a great big easter basket. I was grateful to find it before it got any "chocolate covered eggs" in it too! Speaking of eggs--I've eaten my weight in deviled eggs and egg salad sandwiches--as Levi and I are the only ones who seem to like them. Although Bridger does like them better than tuna fish sandwiches which he claims make him seasick!