
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter enthusists!

We had a lovely Easter! Conference watching, candy eating, egg hunting...all the things that make Easter wonderful. It obviously impressed Kes enough that she decided the toilet looked like a great big easter basket. I was grateful to find it before it got any "chocolate covered eggs" in it too! Speaking of eggs--I've eaten my weight in deviled eggs and egg salad sandwiches--as Levi and I are the only ones who seem to like them. Although Bridger does like them better than tuna fish sandwiches which he claims make him seasick!


  1. What is it w/ toilets and their magnetic powers on children? Andrew threw an avocado pit of all things in there yesterday. Eric says that I've officially stuck my hand down the toilet more than he has...whatever that means. It looks like kids only get more creative as they get older w/ the toilet thing (chuckle, chuckle).

  2. Oh my goodness, that is too funny!!!

  3. Just be happy that she doesn't know how to flush!
