
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dentist day...

Yesterday I took Bailey and Bridger in to the dentist. Each one had to get a cavity filled. Bailey has really deep grooves in her baby moles (which is were the cavity occurred) and so they sealed her baby molars too. Bridger had a small piece chip out of his tooth that they were afraid a cavity would come so they just treated it like one and filled it. Bailey was feeling a great deal of anxiety about the whole thing and on the way over asked me if it was two oclock yet? I said yes it is. She said, "Oh I hate two oclock!" I inquired why and she replied,"because that is when I have to get my cavity filled." Makes sense. But when they called her name, she jumped up and ran back like she didn't have a care in the world--and came out delighted because she got to pick out three prizes. I was delighted too because the dentist told me he was only going to charge me for three teeth even though he sealed six and give me a discount on the three--because baby teeth aren't covered by insurance--I don't know why he did that--just because he is a good guy and likes our family--but hey, I will take it--I felt like I got to pick a prize too! Bridger was a little more subdued when he came out of the back (even though he got to pick out three prizes too). We he got out into the parking lot he looked at me very seriously and said, "Mom do I have a metal tooth now?" I replied "no." He let out a sigh of relief and said, "thats good! I was afraid of that they gave me a metal tooth." His fears revealed, he was able to concentrate on the three prizes he got too. Oh, while we are talking about things that people dread--I will post a little update on potty training. Yesterday, Kes brought me a her potty insert and told me she needed to go poop. I was reading and didn't want to stop to put her on the potty besides I thought to myself--yeah right, you have NEVER pooped in the potty. One minute later she pooped in her diaper. Dang! Chalk on up to my laziness!


  1. That is so funny about Kes!!! And you can let Bridger know that Shelby has two "metal teeth" haha :)

  2. Last time she was here, Kodie did basically the same thing to Deacon. He was willing, but she wasn't.
