So I made a New Year's Resolution to blog once a week...and I got on and realized I hadn't posted anything since Halloween (well that's embarrassing!) So I decided to start out the new year with a pretty exciting story.
Two days before Christmas Levi and I where going on an actual date (that's right, we even had hired a babysitter). Thirty minutes till date. I was scrambling to make kids dinner. When Kes came downstairs crying her eyes out. She had seen Bailey cleaning the mirrors in the downstairs bathroom and decided she wanted to do the upstairs one. She grabbed her windex and paper towels and climbed up on the bathroom counter. Unfortunately, she tripped on the sink, fell off the counter and landed on her arm. She cried for 25 minutes and then fell asleep. Long story short...I cancelled our date, and took Kes to the ER instead...where x rays revealed that she broke both bones in her forearm! Merry Christmas to us! :) The ER only splints broken bones and because of the holidays we had to wait five days to get the hard cast on. The ER doctor told me--just don't let her run or be too rambunctious till she gets her cast on. I was thinking (You obviously don't have kids--no four year old sits still!) Anyways, as you can see she choose pink and has been coordinating her shoes with it! :)
Wow! Poor Kes! Love the pink cast though.