
Friday, May 27, 2011

doctor and dilation goals...

I went in yesterday for my 36 week appointment. I knew she was going to check to see how dilated I was. Now usually, when I get to this point, I usually have a "dilation goal" for myself. However, with my last three children, I typically have been disappointed. So I told myself not to expect anything. So I was delighted to learn, I was dilated 1 centimeter and 30 percent effaced. The baby's head was down and engaged--so the doctor said she thought that would help me dilate more. Now 37 weeks is considered full term--and frankly by that point in your pregnancy you are just ready to have that baby out of your body. So any suggestions to help this process along? :)


  1. Nothing I did ever worked, but here are a few of the weirdest suggestions I heard. 1. Eat fresh pineapple. 2. Take a walk with one foot on the sidewalk and one in the gutter. (Neither worked, but it's always worth a shot.)

  2. I would think that you are enjoying this time without pain, having had a preview of labor already. Just remember, no matter how badly you are sleeping now, it will be better than after the baby is born.
