
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

my reader's digest blog

So I haven't written in my blog for about a month. Here is my reader's digest list of the happenings in our lives.
1. painted my upstairs living room and hallway.
2. Bridger started baseball
3. Bailey finished preschool and I made her a new blankie since her old one is so worn it is see through. (She now has two blankies as she won't give up her old one still)
4. Kes is potty trained! (I'm throwing a party to celebrate!) We started about half way through May and this is how it went. Day 1--ten accidents. No toilet use. Stopped when I ran out of clean underwear. Day 2--eight accidents. One toilet use! And so it went...I actually put her in underwear on Sunday but then chickened out and changed her to a pull up.
5. My mom and dad came to visit! I wish I had a picture to post here, but my camera battery was dead the entire weekend. We had a fabulous time! Thanks for making the trip mom and dad.
6. Put new flooring in my dinning room-will finish the hallway and living room and stairs in coming weekends. (will have camera up and working by then so I can take pictures of it.)

So there you have it. Just another day in paradise! I am making a new resolution to blog at least once a week from now on.


  1. You DO live in paradise. We loved being with you and your family. You are SO busy but somehow you get everything done and still find time to read. I need to take a page from your book...pun intended.

  2. I love your blog, Riki! You are so funny. I am glad to see you are well.

    Angie Little-Gott (from Emmett)
