
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not to air my dirty laundry but...

So as anyone who reads my post knows, I do laundry on Mondays...all day long...The reason why I stick to this schedule rigidly is because I own only 8 pairs of garment tops (You do the math). Well, everything was going along swimmingly yesterday. I was on load number 4 when I spontaneously decided to throw in my throw pillows from the downstairs couch--as they had been used as a giant napkin--into the wash. When I went to get my laundry out the pillows had torn open. Grrrr. Throw out throw pillows. Then, as I was pulling out my laundry I noticed it was very wet and then there was about 1/2 inch of water in the bottom. Weird. Continue on to load number 5. Unfortunately, at the end of that cycle, I opened the lid to find that it hadn't drained at all! Now some people would be excited at the excuse to get a new washing machine...I don't fall into that category. Despite the fact that it is the workhorse of the house, I have no desire to spend my hard earned money on something like that. I called Levi and told him I thought the washing machine was broken. Then I really began to think about the ramifications of a broken washing machine and having absolutely no place close by where I could get a new one. Laundry mat for a week. uugghhh. Doing laundry at a friends house, equally inconvenient. Wearing the same dirty pair of underwear for a week. Hmmmm....I might not smell too good, nor would our house having two weeks worth of dirty laundry accumulated in it. Levi told me he would look at it when he got home. I hung up and said a silent little prayer that my washer would be fixed so that I could wear clean underwear tomorrow. Well, after unloading the clothes and then hand dipping out all the water, it was ready to be looked at. (Just as a side note, prepare yourself if you ever move an appliance for grossness underneath it). Levi took the machine apart and found that the pump was clogged with pillow fluff. He said, "you owe me for 2 hours of my life spent fixing that darn thing" I thought to myself, "well how many hours of my life have I spent using that darn thing..." Then he said, never ever wash a throw pillow again. I also thought to myself, "yeah, because it was really fun for me to wring out a load of soaking wet laundry and bail out 50 gallons of water!" Sorry still bitter. I really am glad he was able to fix it (for the above mentioned reasons). This story has sort of a happy ending. Well, I did not get my white load done, as it was about 9:30 when Levi finished with his repair job. This morning I was looking through my drawer hoping against hope to find a clean top and I did! It was a cotton one I had bought shortly after we got married. It was pit stained and had seen me through two pregnancies...but hey it was clean!


  1. Gggggrrr. Sounds like a frustrating day. I'm glad that Levi is Mr. Fix-It Man. He just made you guys some money! I totally understand about not wanting to buy new appliances. Eric has done a few extensive repairs on our fridge to save us from getting a new one. Also, I have to thank you for the idea of doing laundry all on one day. It is my only chore on Monday, aside from dinner and dishes. Somehow it makes my life easier.

  2. So glad you could fix your washer. Sorry about the pillows though. I would join the Monday laundry club, but somehow it wouldn't be the same because I only have two or three loads.
