
Friday, February 26, 2010

Dinner Disaster!

"Mom, did you put plastic in our soup?" asked Bailey last night. I had to answer yes. Let me back up. I bought a bag of fresh broccoli at Costco--such a great deal like 3 dollars for 3 lbs. But let me tell you, when you have had steamed broccoli for the fifth night in a row, you start to rethink how great that deal was. I know, I thought to myself, I will make cream of broccoli soup. It will be so nutritious and use up a lot of the bag. Pat myself on the back. I even got online and found a promising recipe that said, "gourmet cream of broccoli soup." Gourmet... bonus points for me! Anyways to make a long story short--I didn't know how to make vegetables sweat, so I skipped that step. After they cooked for awhile, you where supposed to put them in the blender and blend everything up. I did this. However, on the lid of our blender is a hard plastic center piece that is removable. This piece somehow sucked down into the blender! I turned it off immediately after I realized what had happened. Not before the bottom part of this had been chopped up into small bits. I didn't notice this crucial little fact and went about my business preparing dinner. I made home made rolls too (since I was sorta of on a Martha Stewart kick). Anyways, we all sit down and immediately the kids refuse to eat it. Levi says, "look its good" and demonstrates by taking a big bite. Next thing out of his mouth..."what is the hard stuff in the soup?" I respond (a little confused) "Well I guess it could be a patato or onion but I cooked them for like 20 minutes." He responds by saying..."NOooo...this seems more like a bone." Then I realize what has happened. I take a bite--sure enough--a delicious light blend of broccoli,onion, patatoe,cream and glass-like shards of hard plastic. We had delightful dinner of rolls! I suppose I should have felt bad about it (and Levi says I will if any of those plastic shards go through my intestinal track) but I kept giggling to myself as I did the dishes! So tonight for dinner....frozen pizza...minus my secret ingredient...hard plastic!


  1. All of that hard work gone to waste! So frustrating! At least you have a sense of humor about it. I have fallen into the frozen broccoli trap at Costco too. I like to use what I need and freeze the rest for later. Glad no one was hurt:)

  2. I got a good laugh out of that one.

  3. I laughed too, but only because I did the same thing with my blender. However, I did throw the milkshake out instead of trying to feed it to dad.

  4. Super funny! I especially like "Mom, did you put plastic in our soup?"

    P.S. I also thought it was funny that you're from Idaho and can't spell potato! :)

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