
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Bridger did the science fair again this year. After doing it last year I swore I would never let him do it again. This year was a repeat. Here is why I hate science fair. 1. After the "experiment" part is over, it is like pulling teeth to get him to do the rest. It took us five hours to get his board done. 2. I have to write an abstract for the dang thing. Do you know how long it would take Bridger to type a 250 word paper? I'm talking I end up doing it via dictation. So his paper sounded something like this..."Hypothesis: Well, at first I thought that the rag would get wet in the water, but then I thought more about it and decided it wouldn't." Very scientific! 3. When we arrive at school and put up his project which has clearly been done by a six year old I look around at some of the other projects which have clearly been done by their parents--so that is just my little pet peeve.
Now the for the reason why I love it (refer to the above picture). How can you say no to anything that makes a kid that happy? Its a good thing it only comes around once a year though...its like childbirth...I have to forget how painful it was last time so that I am willing to do it again.


  1. Bridger looks so cute in that picture!

  2. It looks like he won some major prizes which you didn't mention. (I know, you didn't want to brag). Good job Bridger!

  3. Job well done, Bridger. And kudos to you mom for time and support!
