
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bridger Bean!

Bridger decided to try out for the Missoula Children's theater play (it comes to town twice a year)this time it was Jack and the Beanstalk. I was a little bit worried because about half the kids get cut--but anyone who knows Bridger knows he has a flare for the dramatic! He made the part of a Mexican Jumping Bean. He practiced all week and the play was on Saturday. He did great. The cutest bean out there! (In my biased opinion).


  1. That picture cracks me! P.S. I'm loving your blog.

  2. Hi Riki! This is your cousin. Your mom let me in on your sister's blogs and I was excited to find yours too. It's so fun to see you and your cute family! I get occasional updates from Grandpa, but I'm glad I can see what you are up to myself now! I hope everything is going great and you guys had a great Christmas.

  3. Thank You for making me laugh, Riki. I miss you, Levi and our sweet grand kids! I just want to come play at your house! Let's plan on doing some major fruit canning this fall. mom
