
Monday, January 11, 2010

A poopy bath experience

On Saturday night while I was bathing the kids, Bailey pooped in the bath tub. Now, I've come to expect this with Kes but definately not Bailey (who is now almost 6). When I (in my exasperation and fury) asked why on earth she did that--her reply was simple--well, I would be cold if I got out of the bath. To which in my exasperation I exclaimed, "well you had to get out of the bath anyways as soon as you pooped in it!" She pondered that. But my fury was not over. I coldly told her,"Bailey do you know what people do to their pet dogs when they don't want them to poop somewhere--they rub their noses in the poop. That is what I am going to do to you if you ever poop in the tub again!" Both she and Bridger gasped and then Bridger jumped to her defense. "mom, if you do that you won't go live with Jesus and Heavenly Father after you die--you will go live with Satan in (dramatic pause) Hell...." To which I calmly replied, "well Bailey better not poop in the tub again or she will have a mom in Hell!" Bridger, realizing the threat was not enough to sway me, upped the ante. "Alright mom, if you don't repent right now--i'm going to write a letter to Santa and there will be no presents for you next year!


  1. Hehehe. I laughed out loud when I read it, even though I'd already heard about this. You wrote it well. It was even funnier written than over the phone.

  2. Yay! You have a blog. I am already loving the stories. I'm glad that I can't quite relate to the poop in the bathtub yet...I'm sure in due time that I will. Also, I hear ya about trying to clean the house after Christmas...I don't know where the mess comes from when we've been gone for like 10 days...bless my heart. Also, you'll have to post some book reviews after one of your book binges. I'm craving a really good book. It was great seeing you guys in Emmett!

  3. I died laughing! I love your blog! Thanks for the name suggestions.
